因为疫情影响,百炼光海外参展计划一直搁置。时隔三年,我们克服重重困难,终于再次出现在德国杜塞多夫举行的MEDICA 展会上。
我们此次主要向全球市场推广近几年市场上广泛应用的荧光成像模组和NBI 窄带成像模组。
Kay features: White LED +808nm laser, compact size with excellent heat dissipation,reliable performance
Typical applications: ICG-NIR fluorescence imaging and white light lighting for endoscopes
Kay features: white+ 415 nm LED+ 540 nm LED+ 785nm LD. 7 compound light output,aspheric glass lens, reliable performance
Typical applications: NBI imaging,ICG-NIR fluorescence imaging and white light lighting for endoscopes
我们的展位是 8bR04-1,欢迎新老朋友们的光临!